PHOTO REPORT – Iran: two parallel worlds gazing at and discovering each other… (Day 6 – Isfahan, tea invitation and an Iranian artist)

After the Maranjab desert, the caravanserai, the campfire and the party with alcohol, we continued our roundtrip in Iran with a visit to Isfahan. Well, what can we say, people have yet again been very gracious to us, but especially our CouchSurfing hosts: Soroush, Saied and Simi.

Which of them is an artist? Who invited us for tea and why?

Please click on the first picture (and the following ones) for the story:

PHOTO REPORT – Iran: two parallel worlds gazing at and discovering each other… (Day 5 – Kashan and the desert, plus the PARTY…)

Kashan was gracious to us. He had nice hosts, had a good dinner and sleep. We went sightseeing and to the desert the next day. What a party (with alcohol!) we had there!

Please click on the first picture (and the following ones) for the story: